
We  are seeking a new Church Rector.
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Friends of St Botolph's.


"We shall have this day only once; before it is gone, help us to do all the good we can,so that today is not a wasted day." Stephen Grellet.


It is with great sadness that we let you know of the death of Roger peacefully at home on Saturday 22nd January 2022. Funeral Service at St Botolph's on Tuesday 22nd February at 1.00pm.

Roger was a founding member and secretary.

We are all so saddened by the death of our dear Roger Haywood; so many people loved and respected him, and so many people will miss him.

Roger has done so much for the villages and villagers over the years he has lived in Pott Row – from looking after the advertising in and distribution of the Village Link magazine, to being St Botolph’s Church fabric officer and treasurer, to setting up, and working with, Friends of St Botolph’s, organizing many events in the village, to helping anyone who asked, being an amazing neighbour and friend, and a wonderful man.  

Over the last year, when he had been given a time limit due to his cancer, we all found out just how much Roger did, how many activities and events he co-ordinated, worked with, helped out.   And how well organized he was!   Files and lists abound, thankfully, as we are now all realizing how many times we contacted Roger to ask where things were, who to contact, what to do next.  Many of us have been given files full of the many lists he made, contacts, costings and history of events.  Everything was worked out, planned and documented – absolutely brilliantly.  Jenny was always there, supporting him in all he did, always backing him up and helping when she could, and we send her all our love and support.

We will all miss this amazing man in many different ways, but I know he will always be remembered as a kind and giving man, always there, always helpful, and we will be saying for many years to come: “Roger would know that!”

"The Friends ..." are people who choose to support the work of preserving and maintaining our Church and its surrounds and there are currently around 120 Friends drawn from a wide cross section of our community.

We are a charitable trust which raises funds from membership subscriptions, donations, sponsorships, legacies and a diverse range of activities which are open to everyone.

Money raised is used solely to keep this iconic building in good condition for the daily enjoyment and appreciation of everyone, whether churchgoer or not, and for all those times when the Church is what we do need.

In recent years, "The Friends.." have raised tens of thousands of pounds and with this money a great many repairs and improvements have been made possible that otherwise may not have been done.

You do not have to be a churchgoer or even to have a faith but by becoming a "Friend.." you will have the satisfaction of contributing to the very worthwhile task of preserving an important part of our local heritage.

You will also have lots of fun much of village life is involved with concerts, tractor rallies, and lots more.

You will receive regular newsletters, invitations to events ( for which there is a discount for "Friends...") and there are no other commitments.

All are welcome to all their events, but if you would like to join FOSB
contact Peter Coe 01485-600337, or Christine Moore 01485-600659.

You can become a "Friend.." for as little as £5 per person a year - or more if you can - by contacting Christine Moore, Field House, Gayton Road, Grimston PE32 1BG. There are also forms available in Church with details of standing orders and the  "Gift Aid" scheme.

If you would like to make a donation, sponsor an event or discuss leaving a legacy then please contact Roger or Christine.

The Tractor Rally is a great favourite when crowds gather in the village to watch a parade of vintage tractors. There are loads of other fun things with stalls, raffles, a bar & BBQ, strawberries and a band. See more photo's from 2014/15 on our album and pictures from the 2016 Tractor Rally are click here.

Hopefully 2022 will see the Tractor Rally back into full swing.



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