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Friends of St Botolph's.

The Friends of St Botolph in 2017.


MAY 6th 10.00 - 12.00 am Plant & Cake Sale Courtesy of Joy & Andrew Williams, 26 Gayton Road.
MAY 16th 19.30 pm FoSB AGM The annual general meeting to be held in Church.
JUNE 18th  

The Annual Tractor Rally
& Summer Fayre

The ever popular Summer event courtesy of Roger & Christine Coe at Manor Farm.
JULY 29th 10.00 - 13.00 pm Coffee Morning & BBQ A Chance to meet up with friends courtesy of Albert & Marjorie Peach at 62, Low Road., Grimston
OCTOBER 5th 19.30 pm Illustrated Talk  Richard Adderson is giving a talk on the "Wells to Dereham Line" in Church.
NOVEMBER 9th 19.30 pm Songs from the Trenches An evening of songs in Church with John Kirkpatrick performing.


The Friends of St Botolph in 2016.

APRIL SAT  30th 10 - 12.30 Plant & Cake Sale, 12 Congham Road, Grimston
courtesy of Peter & Judith Gough.
MAY TUES 10th 7.30pm AGM in Church followed by Alan Gray talking on "The Oldest Building in Grimston."
JUNE SUN 19th 10.00am


Pictures on line click here

SEPT SAT 10th 7.30pm "The Thornhill Singers in Concert" in Church.
OCT THURS 6th 7.30pm Rachel Duffield talks on "Edith Cavell, Duty, Devotion, Dignity" to be held in Church.
NOV THURS 10th 7.30pm A talk by Alan Gray "Church Architecture Explained" in Church.
DEC THURS 8th 7.30pm A Christmas Treat in Church with John Kirkpatrick on "Carols & Crumpets."

A Letter from the Chairman, Peter Coe, October 2016

Friends of St. Botolph’s Update

Friends of St. Botolph’s  is dedicated to raising money solely for the maintenance of the church building
and upkeep of the churchyard. We are financed by members’ subscriptions, donations and fund raising events which are
open to everyone.

In May we held our 12th Annual General Meeting with 35 members in attendance. The meeting was informed that
membership was holding steady at 126 and the net sum raised during the year was £8,296, making a cumulative total since inauguration of a magnificent £79,424. During the year we passed £5,188 to the PCC to complete the South porch

renovation, finance modifications to the South side gutters and downspouts of the Nave and commence some internal
plaster repairs. We also ran two very productive working parties keeping the churchyard in good order.

As well as ongoing maintenance issues and continued care of the churchyard, the major project for this financial year
is the re-leading of a number of windows which are becoming fragile and are in danger of collapse. However, since the
church fabric is due its compulsory 5 year inspection next year, and past experience shows these usually identify new
work, we are working to maintain some reserves.

Fund raising events this year have so far included a very successful and well attended plant and cake sale, courtesy
of Peter and Judith Gough, which realised £446, the Vintage Tractor Road Run and Country Fayre hosted by
Roger and Christine Coe at Manor Farm which, with our largest ever attendance, raised a record profit of £5,564
and a very enjoyable concert in church with The Thornhill Singers which raised a further £340. Thanks go to
everyone who has donated plants, cakes, prizes and to all who help make these events happen through their time and effort.

More events planned for this year, to which all are welcome, include:

Thursday October 6th 7.30pm in church. Rachel Duffield performs ‘Edith Cavell: Duty, Devotion and Dignity’
Rachel will be known locally for her performances of Marie Lloyd, Queen Elizabeth I and other historical characters.

Thursday November 10th, 7.30pm in church. An illustrated talk by Alan Gray entitled ‘Church Architecture Explained’.
Alan brings a wealth of knowledge and many fascinating facts about ancient buildings we tend to take for granted.

Thursday December 8th, 7.30pm in church. John Kirkpatrick performs ‘Carolling and Crumpets’.
John will be remembered for his depiction of ‘The Victorian Farmer’s Year in Song’. Now he takes us on a journey in
song through the history of carolling, how it started and how travellers and travelling musicians from medieval times
onward spread the message of Christmas. Refreshments will be crumpets and  tea cakes.

You can find out more about ‘Friends’ from the leaflet included with some copies of the October edition of
The Village Link or by email to or ‘phone Roger Haywood on 01553 630301.
If you wish to add your support by becoming a member, it is very inexpensive and carries no commitments.

Peter Coe.


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