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In Remembrance (Gayton Thorpe)

Remembrance Sunday is a day to commemorate the contribution of
military and civilian servicemen and women in the two World Wars and
later conflicts.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them."

You can see a short video based on Laurence Binyon's poem "For the Fallen" by clicking here.

We remember especially the men featured on our War Memorial :

1914 - 1918

Welham, Benjamin   C.Sgt. Major   Norfolk Regt.  19/04/1917  
Fell at Gaza

Basham, Walter Charles   Pte.   Yorks & Lancs Regt.   12/10/1917  
Fell in France

Welham, George   Pte. Nth. Staffs Regt.   08/11/19  
Fell in France


1939 - 1945

Pallant, Alec Jesse

21/01/1942   age 23   died in the Middle East


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