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Reverend Jane

THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25th  1.00 pm.

Revd. Jane's funeral is Covid restricted and only the 30 people invited are allowed in Church.

She will travel from the Rectory to St Nicholas followed by her family on foot.

After the service she will travel to be buried with her husband in Lincolnshire.

The company in charge of videoing the service have visited Church

and seem confident of being able to do a live stream on zoom. It will also be viewable later on line.

The Zoom Meeting details are:

Meeting ID: 971 4788 7329 Passcode: 562753



"Growing up on a farm in North Lincolnshire - I am a rural girl. 

After a personal tragedy in my family I turned to God and I found him ready and waiting to wrap me in his arms. 

Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you ( Matt.7:7)

After many years of soul searching I followed my calling, left behind a career in finance and banking, and trained for ministry. 

Ordained in 2007 I came to Gayton in January 2011 and I have to say I find my work here an absolute privilege. 

Great people, great place and a great team!  

I am passionate about teaching and sharing the love God has for us with all ages for I know His love is just as relevant for all people today, as it was yesterday, and will be tomorrow."

This is how Revd. Jane described herself ....what it does not tell you was just how dedicated she was to the Church here and the village.

She cared about the building (and her vision of what it could be is almost complete) but she cared much more about the people here –

those with Faith, those with other faiths and those with no faith.

She was concerned about all aspects of village life and met so many people through her work.

She never conducted a wedding without sharing in the joy of the bride and groom, she never led a funeral without feeling the sadness of the bereaved.

But she was happiest with children and loved baptisms, Messy Church and her work in our schools.

She was no stern faced cleric but was full of fun and laughter and game for anything –

even climbing the tower at Grimston and bell ringing, with Messy Church at the beach and dancing and singing in Church.               



             She was with us for almost exactly ten years but for the last two and a half years she has been terribly unwell.

In August last year she was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.

   We prayed for a return to good health and then we prayed for a graceful end.

Jane died on February 8th. with her brother and sister with her and is now at peace.

Jane will always hold a very special place in our hearts and we all hold happy memories of of her.

(You may add your special memories and share photo's of her here by emailing

Memories of Jane.

Steve Williamson

1 Corinthians 13. 13. "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love." Amen. Steve

Eleanor and Craig Morrison :

Jane became my friend over many years of being our village Priest, and even after we moved, we kept in touch and visited regularly.  She married Craig and I, baptised William and Samuel and took Hannah, Daniel and Craig through confirmation with the Bishop, well after we had moved.  I have so many amazing memories with Jane. From trips to the beach with the children, where she let Hannah and her school friend Hattie take the microphone on the coach, through to her coming to the kid’s parties (she said it was ‘an education’ being in our house packed to the rafters with sugar filled children).  Jane supported me through some tough times, and I’d like to think I also did the same for her occasionally.  She never used her position to set herself apart and has been a massive inspiration to me in life and work. Her sermons were so moving I would well up every time.  She included the children in everything, to the point where William knows St Nicholas Church as ‘dancing church!’ She was the only Vicar I know to grace the pages of Hello! Magazine, when Kate and William attended a wedding in our village.  Of course, she didn’t see it until I gave her a copy! Jane was tough; she took on some challenging situations and finally took on pancreatic cancer, which sadly ended her life.  I last saw her at home in the Autumn, and she was very poorly, but her faith shone out of her like a lighthouse.  I used to say; ‘I know nothing about the Bible, Jane,’ and she would say, ‘you know about love.’  Rest in peace Rev. Jane, love Eleanor, Craig, Daniel, Hannah, William and Samuel. 

Alistair Beales :

I’m so very sorry to hear of Jane's death. Jane had become such an integral part of this community that it is hard to imagine a church service without her. So many of our girl’s school services were lit up by Jane’s enthusiasm and her way of getting the Christian message across in a way that the children not only grasped but positively embraced.

I will miss her greatly and have fond memories of Harvest Festivals and Remembrance Day services when she was brave enough to ask me to read a lesson. I attach a photograph that sums up my memories of Revd. Jane.

Rest in peace. Alistair



Linda Adams :

Thank you for letting me know that Reverend Jane has very sadly died.

I didn’t really know her, but I know that she has been so unwell for some time. 

Three years ago Revd. Jane christened my grandson Archie and the service was delightful, bright and full of love. I know that Archie’s Mummy and Daddy have very happy memories of meeting Jane.  Linda

Marie’s memories:   Archie’s Christening 17th February 2018
We first met Revend Jane when she welcomed us into her home with open arms and a very big smile to discuss our sons upcoming Christening in 2018.We were there a good couple of hours as we talked, made decisions and laughed, we even had a sing song and sang to Archie one of his chosen songs, 'this little light of mine'. Jane was simply full of happiness.

Another chosen song was 'Hes got the whole world in his hands' and Revd. Jane changed the words to say 'Archie has the whole world in his hands' unbeknown to us, which was such a thoughtful and personal gesture which she even had printed in the booklets which we are able to treasure, a truly kind and caring thing to do. 

Jane was such a lovely lady, with a very big heart, full of happiness and she had an infectious smile that made you smile back, a really amazing person who will be sorely missed.  With love,  Marie and Jamie.

Sarah Dennis :

I am so sorry to hear the very sad news. Revd. Jane was a lovely lady and my thoughts are with her family.

She Christened both of my boys, Joseph and Noah. I have attached some pictures. They just show how lovely she was.

With deepest sympathy , Sarah Dennis


The Venerable Ian Bentley, Archdeacon of Lynn

I have known Jane for almost her whole time in the Diocese, although only as Archdeacon for these last two and a half years. She had a real passion for the gospel – a desire to get the good news of Jesus Christ out there. Her sense of fun and her love of life always shone through. She loved her ministry. When I spoke to her over these last months she would get enthused about all that was happening locally and in the wider church. He mind and spirit were strong although her body was failing. Attention to detail, a self-confessed control freak! She liked to do all things well and to the glory of the God she loved. In her illness, her personal faith shone through. She knew where she was going. She will be much missed locally and in our diocese.

Alison Steward, PA to the Archdeacon of Lynn

I am so sorry to hear of Jane’s passing, whilst knowing that she is now at rest and completely out of pain.

I wouldn’t be able to hazard a guess at how many conversations I had with Jane over the years but it was always a great pleasure to speak to her.  Jane was a thoroughly capable lady, always positive, with an assuring “can do” approach.  I shall miss our conversations so much.

Rest in Peace dear Jane; and my heartfelt condolences to the family and to all in the GGM Benefice. Alison

Revd Judith Pollard

I have a vivid memory of skipping down the aisle at St, Mary's, Great Massingham holding hands with Jane at the end  of our joint licensing service by  Bishop Jonathan. There was tangible energy and excitement in us and the congregation and a feeling of hope as we embarked upon our shared adventure of ministry in a new benefice of ten amazing churches. It is a memory I shall always cherish. Reverend Judith

Revd. Sue and Richard Martin

It is with enormous sadness that we are  sending  condolences to Jane’s family at this time. She had been unwell for so long , battling through pain, diagnosis, and pills galore whilst remaining strong and faithful in ministry throughout.

My memories of Jane began at her service of installation at St Nicholas Church, Gayton ten years ago. It was evident she was very committed to her ministry in the parishes with an endearing love for the people she met and those searching for God in their lives.

Throughout her time here, she has blessed us all in ensuring the life of all our churches, can thrive in each individual  way, whether big or small. Jane’s work in schools has been an enormous joy and many families have a greater understanding of Jesus because of Jane.

Jane was full of love for everyone, Her deep and abiding faith was boundless, her friendship everlasting and she had a real sense of fun.

We send our love to Paul and Liz and all the family. Sue and Richard

Bill Lewis, Churchwarden, East Walton

East Walton owes a true debt of gratitude to Jane . When we enter our now lovely Church, we must all think of the legacy she has left. Jane successfully instigated and managed grant funding for us to preserve our building for decades to come. She magically managed to gain funding for the windows that had leaked for years and are now good for another 100. And we still have our wonderful stove that we all enjoy during carol services.
Our Living History Festival during the summer of 2019 was mainly organised by Jane who was unwell then but battled on introducing the village to a whole new group of friends who supported our event.. And as for the archaeological dig in the farm garden assisted by Gayton School. What a genius triumph..Thank you, Jane, you will be missed.Bill and Rachel

Jane Butler - Messy Church Coordinator

We note with sadness the death of the Revd. Jane just last week. We are very sorry for your loss in the parishes and wider community she served. We will be praying, particularly for Jane’s family, ahead of her funeral next week. God Bless, Jane

Ridley Hall, Cambridge ( Where Jane did her Training for Ministry)

We're incredibly sad to hear that Revd Jane Holmes, who trained for ministry at Ridley in 2005-7, has died. She brought God's love to so many through her ministry, and will be deeply missed by those in the villages she served.

Jan Willson

This was a team meeting ðŸ˜Š.  We had good team meetings – we worked hard, chatted lots, laughed a good deal, and shared lovely times.  But this rug was quite special.  Jane had to complete a project as part of a sabbatical so she collected bits of her parents’ clothes and made the rug.  So, there we were, all down on our hands and knees looking at the different bits of material – and looking like we were praying in the round.  I just had to take a photo.  Reminds me of fun times – never forgotten.  Janx

Rosemarie Bowers

My earliest recollection of working with Jane was when she was Vicar of the Gayton Group. I tentatively offered to help with Messy Church, held at the Jubilee Hall in Gayton. I was so excited to be a small part of such a great outreach and Jane was a ‘breath of fresh air’! Annual Coach Outings to the Beach were hilarious and legendary! Jane had such a natural rapport with children and young adults.
Over the years I have served as a very small cog in the wheels of the Ministry Team and that has been a real privilege. Thank you Jane for counting me worthy - may you rest in peace.
My deepest sympathy and love goes to Paul, Liz and all the family. Rosemarie 

Lucy and Jeremy Brown 

It is so terribly sad, she will be missed massively , we can take comfort from the fact that she suffers no more- bless her . May she rest in peace-  Lucy and Jerry.

Lisa Barnett

I remember Jane well, and with great fondness! Praying for all who mourn her. Lisa

Margaret Bowes

I send my condolences to Jane’s family. She had a wonderful aura about her, with  happiness and fun but gentle sympathetic words when needed. Now resting at peace with our Lord, which transcends all our understanding. Margaret

The Hardy Family

Reverend Jane at the Christening of William Hardy in 2013 at Gayton Thorpe Church. Happy Memories.

Chrissy Shale.

One of my favourite memories of her was at one of the earliest Zoom services and she spoke of being in hospital and receiving unwelcome news, and how in the end it strengthened her faith in God. Chrissy

Judith Gough 

I am very sorry to hear of Jane's death but know that she will be at peace and free from pain, which she has borne for the last 3 years. Jane always did her absolute best for her flock ...a very brave lady. I remember going with her on a parish walk about 18 months ago and was surprised at how well she coped ..making the best of the afternoon and managing a cheerful smile on what was quite a taxing walk even for the supposedly fit participants eg me ! My deepest sympathy to her family. Judith

Rachel Greenhalgh Executive Head at Gayton C of  E Primary School

Jane and her family are very much in our thoughts and prayers at the moment.  We have informed our school community and we will say a prayer together for her during collective worship tomorrow.  It was one that she wrote for us.   Such sad news.

She had been such a vibrant and strong part of our community.  I met Jane when I was interviewed for Headship at Gayton back in 2011.  The interviews took place partly in her home, and right from the start she was so kind and welcoming.  Over the years we became good friends, and she was a wonderful advocate for our lovely school.  She has a real gift for working with the children and put such energy and thought into her time with them. Last term she wrote this prayer for us to share with our families and children.  I thought I would share it with you.

A Prayer for Revd Jane

Lord God,

We pray for Revd Jane. 

Please be close to her and touch her with your love

so that she may know you are with her and your comforting arms are around her. 

Bring her to you so that she will have the peace and the joy of being in your presence always. 



Joanne Edwards 

I am a Teacher at Gayton Primary Academy. My family and I are deeply saddened by the news of Revd. Jane's passing. She was a wonderful, warm lady who always went above and beyond for all. My class absolutely loved her collective worship meetings, particularly the time she performed a rap!

Our whole school community will miss her. 

Personally, we were lucky enough to have her involved in our wedding and the Baptism of both our children. Memories we will treasure. Our thoughts are with her family at this time. Jo

Jennie Wildsmith-Garton Head teacher at Holly Meadows Primary School Pott Row

I am so very sorry to hear this news. We have many fond memories or Rev Jane at Holly Meadows School; the children will certainly remember her warmth, kindness and her wonderful sense of fun.  She has been very much in my thoughts and prayers recently.

Please pass on our sincere condolences to her family. With much love. Jennie

Tony Leigh

I have known Jane for many years. We were both governors for Gayton school. In 2013 she conducted my wedding ceremony at Gayton church, and in 2016 she conducted the funeral for my mum at Mintlyn crematorium.
She was always a very passionate and committed Governor and will be sorely missed.
As Chair of Governors for Gayton and Middleton primary schools and on behalf of the governing body, and also personally, I would like to pass on our condolences to the family. Tony

Paul Dunning Diocesan Education Team 

Jane was a wonderful person to work with and totally supportive of the schools on her patch. Whether she was serving formally as a governor or supporting the school community pastorally she always demonstrated the love and care of Jesus through her relational approach. She was so good with people and was loved and valued by her schools. She was always approachable and was open to change and new ideas if it brought benefit for the children and community. Her commitment and effective servant leadership was an example to us all. A true disciple of Jesus who walked the talk. We will miss her immensely. Paul Dunning

Lynda, Chris and Richard Newell

I first met Jane as a fellow governor at Gayton School. From the outset, her warmth and caring nature shone through and she was so approachable and calm. Similarly, Richard felt the same and, although very young at the time, it was not long before he was asking if we could go to messy Church and to church services, as Jane’s bible stories and teachings in school assemblies had left him wanting more. So much so, that we both ‘ventured’ to church, where we received the warmest of welcomes from Jane and her team and we continued to attend regularly, progressing to confirmation classes as part of a small group in Jane’s home. Richard and I both continue to have very fond memories of the confirmation classes and the special time we shared with Jane, remembering how inspired and at ease we felt by her words. Jane always made time to listen and always asked after the family; she just made everyone feel special.  In the PCC setting, I was privileged to spend more time with Jane where I witnessed, again, her dedication, hard work and desire to do her very best for the community and benefice. It is hard to believe that she is no longer here, but we feel thankful and blessed to have known Jane and will all miss her greatly. Lynda, Chris & Richard

Rachel Mellor

I served with Jane on the governing body for Gayton school & latterly Gayton & Middleton.  She did her absolute best for the children & when it was clear she was too poorly to continue as a governor she found it hard to step back.  I am also a member of Gayton PCC, which Jane chaired.  She was always so well prepared & worked hard for our church & the people.  I have very fond memories of taking my 2 children to messy church.  It was certainly messy!  Claire  felt she was the chief receptionist in the village hall & of course for Edward it was all about the food!  I enjoyed it because we were together & could spend time chatting with other mums.  I am glad she is finally at peace. Rachel xx

Nell Steele

Jane, the snowdrops are out, carpeting woods and gardens. You remind me of them. Like them, you are unassuming, beautiful, and a powerful message of hope, warmth and joy. I thank God for them, and for you and your ministry. Nell

David Marsham

So sad. Jane was such an important part of all our lives. My lasting memory of her will be a selfish one. Christening our 3 children surrounded by family and friends – 3 very happy days enabled entirely by Jane. Truly kind and selfless in her care for others. David

Jane and Phillip Osbaldeston.

We were so sorry to here that Rev Jane had died, she had been ill for what seemed a very long time.
We  send our condolences to her Brother and Sister. Jane and Phillip 

Dickie Nally

Happy memories always touching on Faith, Hope or Charity with Rev. Jane at Group Services, Prayer Groups, a coach trip to Norwich Cathedral and visits to our church at Gt. Massingham. She will be greatly missed.

Rev. Jane was an icon of faith and courage right up to the time our Divine Savior called her home. She was truly a Princess of the church. With much love, Dickie and Bryan

Linda Cain

Such sad news but at least she is out of pain now. My thoughts are with her family. Linda

Pete Willson

Thank you for your love, support and friendship over the last few years Jane. May you now rest in peace in God's House. Pete

George Wood                                                         

I, like many others of us who knew her, benefited from her friendship and inspiration, and loved her as a teacher and ordained priest, but more of a personal friend for us all, we will mourn her passing. But we are certain that she is now if a far better place and with God.I’m happy to say that I shed tears of sorrow when Jane told us all of her incurable illness, and do so now that she has departed. There is no shame in crying for the loss of a loved one! George

Jackie Ewing

Rip to this lovely lady today. She was especially great with children and they were always captivated by her and her way of explaining things to them. She will be incredibly missed. You can see at our daughters christening how all the children are intently listening and how at ease our daughter is with her, we will all miss her harvest festival showcases (sorry, church services!). Jackie

Darleen and Colin Fowler

Will be so deeply missed. We have lost a beautiful soul.I will always remember that you gave me some hope in a hard world.Thank you for that. Will think of you as a new star in the night sky. God Bless. Darleen and Colin Fowler

Jill Roberts

A dear friend who I have known for many years. We were work colleagues and friends before she went to theological college to fulfil her calling and she provided me with wonderful support through a difficult personal time. She will be sorely missed by all who knew her. My thoughts are with her family at this sad time. Jill 

Sandy and Emma Pearson

Jane our friend, with your never ending faith and caring personality.  You have helped us through the most difficult of times. When my faith was lost you reminded me (Emma) that our saviour had his reasons for taking Daddy too soon. I will forever be grateful to your private council. You then guided mummy (Sandy) into his sanctuary after loosing her beloved soul mate. For this you never asked for anything in return, and now it's your turn to rest in peace with our Lord. You will forever remain in our hearts with love. Sandy and Emma 

John Wallis

What sad news to receive that Jane passed away this morning. The letter she wrote sometime ago somewhat prepared us, but what a long hard passage she has had to suffer and the pain of not being able to minister and care for God’s people under her commission from the Bishop. Like the apostle Paul, she has fought the good fight, she had finished the race, she has kept the faith Today, she has received the crown of righteousness and fallen asleep in the arms of Jesus.

Jane graciously invited Kathleen and myself to start the parish prayer meeting,which was a risk many incumbents are not willing to take with a retired cleric in the congregation! But it still goes ahead thankfully. When the lovely Judith joined the ministry team, it was time for us to help in town at St John’s following on from my ministry there during their interregnum.  Becca Rogers our Vicar came under Jane’s supervision when she first arrived from Liverpool. She will be sad to hear the news which I have passed on to her. John and Kathleen

Roger and Jenny Haywood

Sad news.  This is a merciful release for her after untold pain and suffering. Roger and Jenny

Ann Rushby

Very sorry to hear that Jane had died but have happy memories of working with Jane at the Alliance Building Society in Grimsby. Ann

Adrian Sims

RIP. Jane. Always helpful, and a very caring Reverand. Adrian

Revd. Riaz Mubarak

It's indeed a very sad news and no doubt we lost a great fellow and servant of God, and colleague. Riaz

Catherine Leigh

I have lovely memories of times Rev Jane visited Brownie meetings and of course her enthusiasm and support for the churchyard wildlife project.Catherine

Helen Reed

Revd. Jane's quiet and gentle manner brought out the best in Gayton Rangers. They listened quietly to her wise words andacted on them. Helen.

Helen Large

Such sad news.


Louise Scrimshaw

I knew Jane through the East Walton history project, but greatly admired her energy and enthusiasm for that,even at times when she must have been feeling far from well.

My thoughts are with her family and all those close to her.Sincerely. Louise

Sarah Kerkham

I am relieved that Rev Jane’s suffering is finally at an end and am sure she has taken great comfort from the support she has received from yourself and others within the benefice and the presence of her family. Sarah 

Helen Lilley

 A very sad message to receive. Although we have known for some time that Jane's time with us was running out it doesn't diminish the sorrow.  Good to know that her sister and brother were with her at the end and we pray that she is now at peace with the Lord.. Love Helen

Caroline Hancock

What sad news! It’s a horrible cancer and she has borne it so well. Now she is in the hands of Jesus it’s good to think of her at rest. God Bless. Caro xxx 

Marian Boore

So sorry to hear of Rev Jane’s passing we really love messy church with Ollie and Edward lovely memories she was someone special to me as well. Thinking of her Family xxxxx â¤ï¸

Minuteman Press

All the team here are deeply saddened to hear the news about Revd Jane. Our thoughts and prayers are with her, and all her family.

.....and from FaceBook pages at Gayton and Grimston Villages....and masses of â¤ï¸ 's.

Michelle Mountain

Such sad news, thoughts are with her family and friends. Xx

John Hayes

Very sad news for the community where she was well respected.

Maureen Prior

A sad day for our village and for Rev Jane’s family and friends RIP Jane. xx

Helen Reed

Rev Jane will be sadly missed. She was a kind, caring member of our community.

Rachel Jayne

God bless x

Elise Swansborough


Sarah Petch

Very sad news a lovely vicar RIP x

Bob King

RIP Jane x

Tracey Spooner

Sad news to hear of Revd. Jane a lovely lady God bless ðŸŒ¹ x

Emma Louise

Very sad news. Thoughts are with her family and friends ðŸŒ¹. Ashwicken School church services will not be the same without Rev Jane..

Emma Boore

We loved Messy Church with Rev Jane, such a wonderful lady. Sending all our love to family and friends â¤ï¸x

Iris Jean Sloan

RIP Rev Jane.

Julie Bell

God bless her and sincere condolences to her family.

Sylvia Leggett

Lovely lady so sad thoughts with her family xxx

Lynda Sandle

Very sad news,lovely lady xx

Fay Baker

A lovely lady. RIP Rev Jane xx

Natasha Price

No way cant believe it.

Jennifer Borley

Safe in the arms of Jesus her Saviour

Sue Steele

Such sad news RI

Hayley Read

Sad to hear this ðŸ˜¢

Wendy Keating

Sorry to hear this RIP Jane x

Debby McCarthy

  Sorry to hear this.

Pam Woodward


Sarah Jane Fry

Such a lovely lady R.I.P 

Tracy Legg

Such sad news

Alice Lake

So sad - she was a lovely lady and married us in 2016. She was incredibly kind and made our day so special. Thoughts and prayers with her family and friends x

Tracey Thorpe

Very sad news

Helen Keiller


Justyna Redhead

Very sad news. Lovely lady Jane was ðŸ˜” R.I.P

Joyce Malkan

At peace now , Jane and home. xx 

Claire Steele

A kind caring lady who was so gentle and comforting when I was grieving. So sympathetic and a lovely sense of humour too. Remembered with fondness.

Laurence Cleathero

   Sad new

Claire Easom

So sad to hear this such a lovly kind gentle caring lady rip Jane xx

Claire Houghton

Very sad news x

Linda Nichols

Very sad news. RIP Jane 

Rachel May Parkes

Rev Jane passed away early hours of Monday morning. We as a family were so so saddened to hear of her passing, although we knew she'd been unwell for quite sometime. Rev Jane christened our girls and married Steven and myself - every single word she spoke that day was truly meant and her and I both cried. I will never forget her blessings for us. She was also a friend of my mums who often attended GAP. Jane really will be missed terribly. Rest in peace Jane. I will remember you always ðŸ˜¢ðŸ’” xxx… 

Helen Leverett-King

Oh no, god bless her, she was a lovely lady. Rest in peace Jane. 

Kate Skerry (was Hunt)

   Our thoughts are with her, family & friends at this sad time!

Kelly Ransome Green

Very sad news 

Debra Kerr

Very sad my condolences to her family and friends 

Sally-ann Bell

Noooooooo ðŸ˜© she was such a lovely lad

Joan Furminger Sterry

Bless x

Linda Brown

RIP Jane you will be so missed â™¥ï¸ðŸ™â™¥ï¸ðŸ™

Maureen Vernon

God Bless Her ðŸ™ðŸ™

Alison Barlow

   Sad to hear that I say a prayer.

Wendy Keating

R I P Jane x x x

Iris Jean Sloan


Mandy Blackwell

RIP Rev Jane

Jessica Petch

Rest in peace Rev Jane, you will be missed â¤ï¸ I will honour you at our wedding next year, you were so excited to be there and I will save you a chair â¤ï¸ xx

Sarah Petch

Lovely lady took some lovely family services for us

Claire Loane

Such a lovely picture of the Rev.Jane, she did enjoy when the church was decorated with flowers , for Weddings, and the Flower Festivals held in the church, very nice memories of knowing her in many ways.🌺

Sylvia Leggett

She was lovely at dads funeral and Michelle’s wedding lovely lady xx

Paula Polly Brown


Vickie Bradley

RIP Rev Jane ðŸ˜¢ðŸ˜¥

Sid Verber

RIP. So sad. Have happy memories of working with her on The Voice when I was the treasurer.

Jane Ackers

Rev Jane married Rachel and Steven and Christened Dulcie and Sophie. Both services give us all wonderful memories. RIP and thank you Rev Jane.

Sally-ann Bell

She was such a lovely kind lady who touched the hearts of my whole family. â¤ï¸

Claire Easom

Ours too Sally she was such a kind soft spoken lovly lady RIP Revd Jane sending Love â¤ï¸ to your family xxxx


Reverend Jane gave my family kindness when we needed it the most, we will always be grateful. Our thoughts are with her family and friends.


Such sad news, she christened my youngest son and she was such a lovely, happy and friendly lady.



Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the flowing air to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you
Deep peace of the shining stars to you
Deep peace of the gentle night to you
Moon and stars pour their healing light on you
Deep peace of Christ the light of the world to you
Deep peace of Christ to you



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