
We  are seeking a new Church Rector.
Until a new one is appointed please
contact your local Churchwarden -
details on each Church's page
or email

Who We Are











"Prayer in action is love, love in action is service." Mother Teresa

We have come together, shared together, and prayed together.
Remembering the past and anticipating the future. Lord, receive our thanks and praise.
 part of our benefice prayer

The Ministry Team

As of August 2023 the Benefice is in interregnum - this means that we currently do not have a vicar. Any enquiries you have regarding weddings, funerals or baptisms etc should be directed to the Churchwardens of your Church who will put you in contact with a relevant priest.

Assistant Priest ; Revd. Sue Martin

I have always been a Christian; God has been my light and inspiration all my life. My professional background is in education, as a headteacher and advisor in primary schools. In 2010 I followed God’s calling and became ordained at Norwich Cathedral. In 2011 I led the development of partnership working in diverse children’s faith groups with the Church of England’s Near Neighbours Team in the Diocese of Southwark. Around 2014 I became a hospital and hospice chaplain in West Norfolk.

West Norfolk has been my home since childhood. It is a joy to have returned, living out God’s calling to ministry in our churches and communities. I lead on Holy Communion and other services across the benefice, supporting our church schools with Collective Worship. I am also a Bishop’s Governor at Ashwicken C of E Primary School.

In my professional life I continue to work with schools in the UK and abroad. I have a huge interest in pilgrimage having journeyed to places such as the Holy Land and Papua New Guinea, where I continue this involvement at a diocesan level.

Catch up with Revd Sue at her blog site :

Reader (LLM - Licensed Lay Minister) : Joy Smith

Psalm 30 verse 5 “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Well that’s how I got my name; my father was training to become a Vicar and that was the psalm the morning I was born. I first came to Norfolk in 1960 when my father became Rector of a small village in south Norfolk called Woodrising, we then moved to Ashwicken in 1970, were we lived until my father died in 1982.  I moved with my mother into King’s Lynn but then when I got married in 1988 we decided to move back to the countryside and I presently live in Grimston.   I have been involved with the church all my life and I became a Reader/Lay Minister in 1991. The Lord has worked in many ways in my life but he has always remained close to my Celtic heart.


AWA ( Authorised Worship Assistant) : Jan Willson

I have lived in Pott Row for over 30 years, having come back to live in the village where my mother and grandmother were born, so I could be termed almost "local".  I have loved my Lord and my Church for many years, and have enjoyed being part of St Botolph's Church family.  I seem to have been on the PCC for ever, and Church warden for not quite so long!  Last year I obeyed my Lord and agreed to become an Authorised Worship Assistant.  It is so lovely to be able to support the ministry team and help with the services, and I am enjoying my new role very much - although I still have so much to learn and constantly pray for God's guidance.

AWA  (Authorised Worship Assistant) : Kim Frazer

Hello, my name is Kim Frazer and I live with my husband in a beautiful village called Great Massingham. Before we moved to Norfolk, a good few years ago now, my husband and I attended an Assemblies of God, Pentecostal Chapel. Moving to a new house, and a new County was quite a transition for us but moving to a new church was a real challenge. My husband and I had assumed that we would drive out of our village to find our new church but the Lord spoke to each of us, independently and told us that he had placed us here and we were not to drive past the church in the village. So we currently attend St. Mary’s in Great Massingham and are part of the PCC. My husband is the church treasurer and I have the privilege of being an AWA.

Rural ministry has its challenges but its blessings too and we hold fast to the Lord’s promise:

DEUTERONOMY 31:8 “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Amen!

Jerry Brown

! am 63 years old, married to Lucy and we have 4 grown-up children. My father came from a strong Methodist tradition. I admire the social conscience of Methodism. On marrying Lucy, I joined the Church of England. My faith has been strengthened by our many visits to the Taize community.

I am committed to church unity and a simple faith. I believe strongly that our church needs to become ever more inclusive - welcoming people of all ages and all persuasions.

Lucy Brown

I am 59 years old, married to Jerry and we have 4 grown-up children. My father was an Anglican priest, my mother comes from a family of priests. I grew up in a very busy vicarage and Christianity has always been central to my life. I love children and I am committed to working with them.  I run the children’s workshops in Harpley church.  I am the church warden.

My faith is a living faith. I believe in an inclusive church where all feel welcome.



Revd. Judith Pollard Served in the Benefice from 2014 - 2023 and as Team Rector from 2020 - 2023.

I am married to Mike and have three adult sons whose disabilities have had a huge impact on my life, Christian faith and understanding of ministry.
I trained at Westcott House, Cambridge and was ordained in Southwell, Nottinghamshire in 2011, serving my curacy in Newark. I have an MA in pastoral Theology and a particular interest in revealing the love of Christ in our care of others.
I am a member of the Society of Catholic Priests and aspire to a more traditional, more sacramental understanding of Church.

Commit your life to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will act.

Revd. Jane Holmes Served as Rector 2011 - 2021.

Growing up on a farm in North Lincolnshire - I am a rural girl.  After a personal tragedy in my family I turned to God and I found him ready and waiting to wrap me in his arms.  Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you ( Matt.7:7)

After many years of soul searching I followed my calling, left behind a career in finance and banking, and trained for ministry. 

Ordained in 2007 I came to Gayton in January 2011 and I have to say I find my work here an absolute privilege.  Great people, great place and a great team!  I am passionate about teaching and sharing the love God has for us with all ages for I know His love is just as relevant for all people today, as it was yesterday, and will be tomorrow

We are very sorry to say that Revd. Jane died on 8th February 2021. This remains as a testimony to her. A Book of Remembrance is here.

Of course, this is just the Ministry Team.

The Church is not just "us" - it is also all our Churchwardens, Readers, PCC members, refreshment teams, flower arrangers & cleaners, Clock Winders, Bellringers, all those who help keep the Church & Churchyard tidy and all our congregations.

Nor must we forget all those who support the Church quietly and maybe do not attend regular services.

We all represent the Church to all of the community, and we represent all of the community to God.



Reverend Jane

A Book of Remembrance

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