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Prayers and Readings

Gayton Church










"God writes the Gospel not in the Bible alone, but also in trees, and in the flowers and clouds and stars." Martin Luther

Our Benefice Prayer:

"We have come together,shared together, and prayed together. Remembering the past and anticipating the future.
Lord receive our thanks and praise.

For the work and witness of those who have gone before us. The Faith that sustained them, the vision that inspired them. For the part you call us to play in our Churchs' continuing story. Lord, receive our thanks and praise.

Lord bind us more closely together and unite us in the work of your kingdom in our communities. For the fun and fellowship we share in Christ. The support and encouragement; the strength and inspiration. Lord, receive our thanks and praise.

We think of the avenues of service waiting to be explored. The lives waiting to be touched by the message of your love. For the gifts you have given us. For the possibilities that stretch before us. Lord, receive our thanks and praise.

Loving God, we commit ourselves afresh to the service of our Churches. Give us faith and courage, a spirit of adventure and a willingness to follow where you would lead. Take what we are and direct what we would be. For we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Prayers and Readings are ways through which we can better understand our relationship with God and with the Church and are an ever present source of help and comfort.

On the first Sunday of every month, there is a special prayer meeting held at one of our Churches. Please check the calendar to see where the next one will be held.

These are quiet gentle meetings when we seek to give thanks to God for all we have and to seek his help in all that we do. Prayers can be for ourselves, or asking God's help locally or worldwide. There is always much to pray for and it all does make a difference.

There are also several Bible study groups & also special Lent courses run with perhaps an occasional study period when we look at a Life in Christ. (see list below)

Please contact the Rector for more information or perhaps to discuss further how you may know more of God and the Church and even to think of Confirmation.

It is important to see confirmation as a part of your journey in faith in Christ and not in isolation.

Attending a confirmation course is a good way to explore your faith with others who are thinking about confirmation and is a safe place to ask any questions you have about God, Jesus and the journey of faith. is The Church of England web site devoted to prayer. 

"If you seek me , you will find me. If you seek me with your whole heart, I will let myself be found."



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