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Holy Communion











And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." Luke 22.19

Since the earliest days of the Apostles, Christian people have gathered together for worship, remembering Jesus in the breaking of bread and the sharing of wine. This act of worship has many names: the Lord's Supper, Holy Communion, the Mass (an English form of missa, from the Latin word "to send") and Eucharist, from the Greek word for "thanksgiving". Each of these names reminds us of a particular aspect of the service's significance.

 The Eucharistic prayer, the great prayer of thanksgiving, recounts Gods love for humanity and we pray that by the power of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of bread and wine may be to us the Body and Blood of Christ. We remember the supper Christ held with his disciples before his death and we pray that the Spirit of God will come upon us and renew us.

This has taken place in our Churches for centuries past and amazingly the challices used to hold the wine from hundreds of years ago are still in use today. They are a very real link with all who have gone before us in faith and devotion to God.


May God's Love & Blessing be with you Today & Always.

Ashwicken 1795 George III reign
Maker's mark EM. London
Elizabeth Morley 

The Bawsey Cup 1600's
Charles I or II reign 
Assay Mark: King's Lynn Pelican


Gayton 1841 Victoria reign
Makers mark. WB over DB. London
William Bateman II Daniel Ball

East Walton 1681 James II reign
Makers mark IS
Ex Dono. Sr.Wm. Barkham Baronet

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